C.S. Lewis Quotes – #5

If you have missed any of the previous quotes, you can find them here.

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.  C.S Lewis Quotes – #1

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one. C.S. Lewis Quotes – #2

A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell. C.S Lewis Quotes – #3

He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, He would have done no less. C.S. Lewis Quotes – #4


So, what is humility? Well, C. S. Lewis will help us think about that …

Reflections: I really like this quote because it reminds us that to be humble we don’t need to make ourselves look bad or tell ourselves we’re awful. It just doesn’t work that way. 

Being humble means that we change our perspective of life and it is a process. As we become more like Christ, we slowly stop always looking inwards and start to look outwards, watching for ways we can help and serve others instead of ourselves. 

C.S. Lewis Quotes – #4

We have already looked at these so far:

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.  C.S Lewis Quotes – #1

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one. C.S. Lewis Quotes – #2

A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell. C.S Lewis Quotes – #3

Today, we get to think about this quote… 

Reflections: This thought brings me so much joy. How wonderful it is to know that Jesus died for me – to save me from my sins. And, He loved me to the point that He would die just for me. Thank You, Lord!

Remembrance of those Days – the 4th of July

On the 4th of July, we grill out, visit family, and go swimming. But, we need to remember why we celebrate.

I wrote this poem, Remembrance of those Days, as I was thinking about what God has done for us and what a blessing it is to live in the United States of America. Also, I was reminded what a great sacrifice was given so that we might be free – made by the early Americans and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Remembrance of those Days

What a wonder that they did.
Oh, those men from long ago.

They fought as they were led
By the leaders of our land.

They did not run in fear,
But trusted in God’s mighty hand.

They guarded what they held dear – 
 Truth, and liberty, and freedom.

They willingly gave up their life
So that we might come
And worship freely – no fear of strife.

We take this time to celebrate and remember
Our freedom, our country, our God.
For it is by Him only that we are here
To love, to serve, to glorify His name.

C.S. Lewis Quotes – #3

Earlier, we looked at our first two C.S Lewis quotes:

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.  C.S Lewis Quotes – #1

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one. C.S. Lewis Quotes – #2

Today, we will focus on this one… Reflections: God’s glory is wonderful and it is greater than anything we could imagine. We can glorify God with our actions, but we can not take away from that glory in any way. 

When we sin, we displease God. When we decide that we want to go our own way and worship ourselves or anything other than God, we hurt His heart. But, it does not mean that we make God any less glorious or any less beautiful. 

 God is still God. Like the quote said, there is nothing we can do to make Him ‘less God’ or to lessen His glory.

A Poem For Dad

My dad has done so much for me. So, this week, for Father’s Day, I wrote him a poem. This poem is also for all those dads who diligently teach us children to love and serve the Lord with all of our heart! Thanks, Dad!

You have always been there 
To protect me and to guide. 
You have taught me with care 
To hide God’s word deep inside. 
You have made it clear 
That when we hide His word,
It should be so near 
That His love can be heard 
Resounding from our life 
Into the world around
In every joy or strife. 
So that His glory may abound 
Throughout every tribe and nation. 
This is the anthem of your heart 
And your soul passion
May it never depart.

3 Reasons for Trusting Others

“You can do it, Alyssa. I believe  you can!” Dad said as I practiced steering, went more than 25 mph, and drove down the highway for the first time. I was nervous and scared. “I think I’m going too fast!” was a common phrase heard those first days along with, “I feel like I’m going to fly off the road!” and “Dad, I can’t go that fast!” 

I had to trust my dad that what he said was true. He had to trust that I wouldn’t make us crash. 

But who can we trust? And why should we trust them?

#1: They Have Proven Themselves in the Past.

My dad is, my dad. I have lived with him all my life. I know that when he says something, he will do it. A while back when he said that he would catch me when I jumped in the pool, he did. Because of that, when he said to me a few days ago, “Alyssa, I want you to drive at 55 mph (the speed limit) because that’s what is safest and I know you can do that,” I knew that I could drive that fast and that he would help me do it.

#2: They Have Experience in the Area in Which They are Coaching You.

What if you have never met a person before and you still need to be able to trust them? For example, when I went to my gymnastics class for the first time, I had never met my instructor before. Yet, I trusted him to not drop me when I was flipping.

Why did I do that? I was able to trust him because he had experience. He had done gymnastics for a long time and had taught many other people as well. He knew what he was doing.

#3: They Care About Your Safety 

In both instances, the people I trusted care very much about my safety.

I know that my dad loves me so much he wouldn’t purposefully let me crash. He wants to teach me to the best of his ability – not only for my safety but also for those who will eventually be riding in the vehicle with me.

Also, my instructor would not want me to fall on my head or break something. 

Some Exceptions to #3

Now, if my dad didn’t know how to drive a car, then no matter how much he cared about me, he wouldn’t be a good person to teach me how to drive. And, if my gymnastics instructor had not done any gymnastics before or had never taught anyone, I might have been a bit more hesitant to let him spot me. So, we need to make sure that we don’t falsely place our trust in someone.

However, there is someone who will never fail us – someone we can trust completely. God. He will always do what is best (even though we may think otherwise). We can trust Him with our entire being – with our lives.

 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. ~Hebrews 6:19-20


C.S. Lewis Quotes – #2

Last time we looked at our first C.S. Lewis quote.

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.  C.S Lewis Quotes – #1

Here is the one for today. . . 

Reflections: Have you ever had a time in your life when you just met someone? I’m sure you have. It could have been someone from school, from church, or someone you just bumped into. 

What was the first thing that you did after you met them (other than saying your name)? Most likely, you asked them something about themselves – what their favorite subject was in school or what their hobbies are. And, don’t you get excited when you find something you both like? You had a common ground on which you could build your friendship.

As Christ followers, we also have another thing in common with other Christians. We have a firm foundation on which we can build our friendship – Jesus Christ. If you and your friend both devote your entire life to the magnification of Christ’s name, you both have the same purpose for your lives. 

What a great and marvelous foundation for a friendship!


C.S. Lewis Quotes – #1


C.S Lewis has some very noteworthy things which we should think about. So, I am going to do a six-part series on the quotes of C.S. Lewis. I hope that you enjoy reading them as much as I did.

The first one is . . . 


Reflections: Jesus changes everything. We don’t have to see Him to know and believe that He exists and that He has saved us. I can tell this by the changes in my life: how I can now love others better, my desire to do His will, and how my perspective about the world has changed. Also, you can see God’s work in other people’s lives as well. All of this strengthens our faith in Christ to save us and to do what is best in our lives and around the world.

I Will Trust In You – Poem

I Will Trust You 

My heart had been scattered
Into millions of pieces. 
All that I once trusted blindly 
Was questioned.
Was is true?
Or was it false?
Each was tested and weighed
For truth or for error.

Is trusting in the stories
Of the Bible
Just like trusting that
Rome was an empire
Or that WWII happened?
Are they more like
Fairy tales?

Did someone really
Rise from the dead?
Can miracles actually happen?
Did God create the earth?
Does He even exist?

Is all that the Bible says true? 
Or is it all a lie?
When Jesus comes back,
Will He be coming for me?
Is He even going to come back?
Is all that I place my
Hope and my trust in –
A lie?

Then it struck me.
I had asked the question,
“Is Jesus even coming back?” 
I remembered someone saying,
“If the Bible is false,
Christians are to be pitied.”
Was I to be pitied?
Was I trusting in a false hope?

But, then, something
Tugged on my heart.
Something inside me said,
“Lord, I don’t understand 
Why I feel this way –
Why You seem far away.
But I will trust You.

“I will trust You
Through this storm,
Through this doubt,
Through this pain.
Because You. Are. 

“I will trust You
Because You are wise,
Because You know all,
Because You know best.
You have carried me this far.

“I will trust You.
Because You have brought me 
Through past storms,
Through past doubts,
Through past pain.

“And I Will Trust You.
Because Your word is TRUE.
It says you give life 
To the dead,
Hope to the hopeless,
And a purpose for my life.

“Without You I am
Without You I am 
Dead in my sin,
Lost and without hope,
And then, my life would
Have no meaning.
Because You created me to
Glorify You.

So, I will trust You
With my life.
I give it all to You.
May You use my life
To proclaim Your 
Powerful name 
To the whole earth.
Take my life. 
It is Yours to use.
I will trust You.





Two Obstacles to Taking Perspectives Overcome

(If you have not read my post from last Tuesday – Perspectives. I would suggest reading it first.)

Before I took the Perspectives class, I had many objections about why I couldn’t attend. Now, don’t get me wrong, I really wanted to go. I just thought that there were too many things blocking me from taking the class. Well, I found out that I was able to overcome those obstacles and my life was changed by taking that class.

Obstacle #1: Age

When my dad and I began to talk about the Perspectives class that was being hosted at our church, my first concern was that I was too young. Should I wait until I’m older? Then, I might be able to get more out of the class. But, my dad told me, “You know, you might get more out of the class if you were older. However, it might be more beneficial to take the class now because you will look at the world differently after the class.”

So, there is some advice from my dad. Now, being a high school freshman, I have taken the course and I say YES. Take Perspectives (even if you’re still in high school)! It will change the way you look at the worldwide movement of God and maybe even alter the course of your life.

Obstacle #2: Time

Ok. I have to be honest with y’all. The Perspectives course takes a lot of time and effort. There are readings every week and you are also required to attend a live class once a week. I, personally, didn’t think that I had the time to do all of the work.

Now, for some people that is a legitimate concern. You might have a full-time job. You could be a stay-at-home mom. You might be a high school junior with a ton of homework.

But, I found that there is a way to overcome this barrier. The first is to set a time to do your readings each week. Each Sunday, after my younger siblings went to choir, I would sit down and read. My dad found time to read while he waited for my sister to finish her bible study which he drove here to every week.

However, for me, I had to give up some of the things on my schedule. Normally, I would go to choir with my siblings. But, in order to have enough time to do the readings, I had to resign for that semester. Also, my highschool bible study was at the same time as class. So, I had to give that up, too. Was it worth it? I believe that, yes, it was.

So, what do we do with this? Well, if you were on the fence about taking Perspectives, I hope that this post has helped you to finish jumping that fence. But, if you weren’t planning on taking it, maybe now you are interested in finding out more. However, if you aren’t ever planning on taking the class, I hope that you can at least see how important it is and encourage others to go.

For His Great Name